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Dragons, Mermaids & Ghosts

Cheryl Rao (Author)
  • Publisher : HarperCollins
  • Publishing year : June 2022
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN : 9789394407848
  • Imprint : Harper Collins
  • Age Group : Early Reader
  • Language : English
Genre : Adventure   |   Horror/Ghost/Zombie

Welcome to the world of dragons, mermaids and ghosts! In this charming collection of folktales from Central Europe, r ...


Welcome to the world of dragons, mermaids and ghosts!

In this charming collection of folktales from Central Europe, read about ...

A greedy dragon that threatens the lives of young women;

A mermaid who helps a wounded prince;

A headless horseman who wanders the streets at night

A trumpeter whose tune is cut short ...

And several other strange creatures and exciting occurrences!

Dip into this captivating collection as each folktale weaves a thread from a different time and place to the present!

Author : Cheryl Rao


Illustrator :
Translator :

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