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The Jungle Storytelling Festival

Janaki Sabesh (Author) , Naray Yoon (Illustrator)
  • Publisher : Tulika Publishers
  • Publishing year : January 2018
  • Binding : Paperback
  • ISBN : 9789386667168
  • Imprint : Tulika Books
  • Age Group : Early Reader
  • Language : English
Genre : Humorous/Funny   |   Picture Books   |   Stories about Special Needs Children   |   Nature and Wildlife   |   Animal World   |   Indian Writing

In a jungle far far away, the animals are getting ready for the storytelling festival. Lion, Monkey and Tortoise delight ...


In a jungle far far away, the animals are getting ready for the storytelling festival. Lion, Monkey and Tortoise delight the audience with well-known stories from their family lore. “C-c-can I tell a story too?” asks Ostroo the ostrich. Others make fun of him because he stammers – but where there is a story, there’s always a way!

Author : Janaki Sabesh

Janaki Sabesh has always loved stories – telling them, performing them and living them. With over 22 years of experience as a media professional, she turned storyteller with Golpo – Tales Unlimited, which she founded in 2014 to spread her love for stories. She is also an actress and theatre artiste.

Illustrator : Naray Yoon

Naray Yoon is a Korean illustrator who studied graphic design at Sangmyung University. She worked as a graphic designer before becoming a full-time illustrator in 2013. Naray lives in Seoul with her daughter and husband. Giant Dinosaurs is her first book for Campbell.

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